Low back osteochondrosis: symptoms and effective treatments

symptoms of pathology

Signs of lumbar osteochondrosis are difficult to notice right away.Symptoms appear slowly, the diagnosis is made already at the stage of exacerbation of the disease.It is important to distinguish between collapse of the spine and other ailments in order to see a doctor in a timely manner. The main signs of osteochondrosis of the spine in the lumbar spine:

  1. Sore back. At first, it manifests itself only when lifting weights, but then it becomes constant. It can no longer be associated with any actions. At the moment of exacerbation, the pain is unbearable, immediate elimination is required.
  2. Sensory impairment in the legs. This occurs as a result of injury to the nerve endings. At the very beginning, there is a characteristic tingling sensation, burning sensation, the appearance of "goose bumps" below the sacrum. If the disease progresses, then in the lower extremities, the extinction of tendon reflexes and muscle weakness will begin to be observed.
  3. Excessive sweating.
  4. Restriction of movement that occurs due to pinched nerves. When turning, tilting, changing posture, attacks of pain similar to electric shocks will occur.
  5. Coldness of limbs, skin, blanching.
  6. In severe cases, sexual dysfunction occurs, problems with urination.

Without timely treatment, lumbar osteochondrosis can lead to paralysis and disability.

Exacerbation of the disease

With relative periods of remission, exacerbations occur. They are characterized by shooting, sharp pain that encircles and travels down the sciatic nerve. As a result of the development of the disease, numbness reaches the toes. Such attacks disrupt the work of organs and systems of the small pelvis. The result is erectile dysfunction, constipation, and urinary incontinence.

Features of the manifestation of lumbar osteochondrosis in women

Soreness in the pelvic area with lumbar osteochondrosis adversely affects the reproductive system of the female body.With the progression of the disease, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and its dependence on the attacks of osteochondrosis can be observed.During pregnancy, osteochondrosis can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Treatment of osteochondrosis: main directions

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine requires different therapies. Only with an integrated approach can you get a positive result. The use of drugs will only relieve pain syndrome, will not affect the cause of the disease. To get rid of the disease, you need to apply acupuncture, hirudotherapy, therapeutic massage, vacuum action, and also change your usual lifestyle. The treatment plan should be prescribed by specialists taking into account the stage of osteochondrosis, individual drug tolerance, and the presence of chronic pathologies.

lumbar osteochondrosis treatment

Treatment regimens during the acute phase and during remission differ significantly. In case of exacerbation, you must first relieve stress from the spinal column. For this, the patient must lie down. It is better to use an orthopedic mattress with rollers for the neck and lower back. It is necessary to take muscle relaxants to help relax and relieve spasms. To reduce the consequences of pinching the nerve endings, injections of lidocaine, novocaine are used.

The period of remission assumes the following treatment regimen:

  • taking vitamin B complexes to normalize the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • restoration of blood circulation in tissues due to vasodilator drugs;
  • undergoing physical therapy to reduce the number of exacerbations. Special baths, different types of massage, magnetic therapy, acupuncture are prescribed;
  • physiotherapy exercises, which allows you to form a corset of muscles, restore mobility in the lumbar region, and reduce the load on the vertebrae. Exercises are selected by the trainer individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Medicines for the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

Medicines are divided by forms and methods of exposure:

  1. anesthetic creams, gels for external use;
  2. antispasmodics (affect the nerves that lead to muscle fibers, have a relaxing effect, help reduce spasm, improve blood flow);
  3. hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used for severe, exhausting pain. Hormones suppress inflammation, relieve pain, but suppress immunity, flush calcium from bones, and reduce the synthesis of their hormones.
  4. chondroprotectors for cartilage tissue restoration. They slow down the destruction of cartilage, activate the synthesis of intra-articular fluid, relieve inflammation, stimulate the formation of new cartilage cells;
  5. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drugs reduce pain, relieve inflammation. You need to take them for a long time. They only eliminate symptoms, do not affect the cause of the pathology. Negatively affect the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, causing gastritis and ulcers.
  6. Group B vitamins

In addition, in case of osteochondrosis, sedatives are prescribed to put the nervous system in order.

Exercise for lumbar osteochondrosis

exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis

Physiotherapy should be carried out regularly, only under this condition the effect of the exercises will be achieved.Physical activity should become the norm for people with osteochondrosis of the spine. Not only a set of special exercises, but also walking has a positive effect on the spine.

There are certain restrictions that must be followed to reduce the risk of injury to the lower back during gymnastics. For example, weight-bearing exercises cannot be performed. This will lead to additional stress on the vertebrae, which are in a destroyed state. It is also not recommended to twist in the lumbar region. This is especially true for patients with protrusions and hernias.

Physiotherapy should not be performed if the patient, in addition to lumbar osteochondrosis, has injuries, tumors of various origins, and hematomas. It is not recommended for diseases of the spine to engage in active sports.

Diet food as treatment

A well-designed menu will help maintain health and strengthen the body's strength. The diet should include:

  • cabbage of all kinds;
  • beef liver;
  • green peas;
  • sea fish;
  • berries;
  • eggs;
  • carrots;
  • dried fruits.

Limit salt, pickles, pickles, seasonings, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea.

Possibility of surgical intervention

Surgery for lumbar osteochondrosis is prescribed only when serious complications develop, for example, an intervertebral hernia.The most common deletion of a damaged disk.Surgical intervention is considered a radical measure, it is resorted to when other methods have not yielded a positive result within six months. Modern medicine has high-tech methods of microsurgical and endoscopic treatment, which are less traumatic.